How to insulate the house

How to insulate a private house? In our region, most of the houses are made of brick, cinder block or slag filling method. Regardless of the material of execution, even if it is seashell, foam or gas blocks, the structure still needs external insulation. First of all, the question arises "How to insulate the house"? There are various methods of insulation outside and inside the house. In our opinion, it is the insulation from the outside that we solve we solve several problems at the same time: first of all, of course, the insulation of the house, updating the exterior of the facade, protecting the facade from getting wet and thereby extending the service life of the structure. Often, after warming the house, we think about how to make a beautiful gate gate and fence. The best solution is metal forged gates with decorative elements.It is possible to insulate the house with various materials, which are not so few in the construction market, but at the first stage it is already necessary to understand how we externally want to see our house. When warming the facades of houses, decorative plasters "bark beetle" (rain) and "pebble" (lamb) have recently become the most popular. Decorative plaster is called differently in different regions.Two types of insulation are suitable for this type of finish: expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. I propose to consider each of the materials in more detail. It should be noted that each of them has its own advantages. Styrofoam (beaded styrofoam) is a lightweight, easy-to-use material. 90% of the entire insulated housing stock uses it. There is an opinion that mice are born and live in it, but in our opinion, these rumors are spread by manufacturers of mineral wool. During production, special substances are added to the foam that make the foam uninteresting for rodents. Foam has many advantages:- 5cm foam insulation saves up to 35% of heating costs;- the dew point is outside, while the condensate does not get on the walls of the house and the walls remain dry; - plastered foam does not absorb moisture and does not emit harmful substances;- properly mounted insulation serves for many years without requiring maintenance; - cheapness of materials and high speed of installation;- does not lose its insulating qualities over time.Mineral wool bypasses styrofoam in many respects. Mineral wool is primarily a non-combustible material, which, if properly installed, serves throughout the entire life of the facade. Also, the advantages include good sound insulation and non-combustibility. One of the disadvantages of cotton wool is the price which is several times higher than the price of foam. Психотропный каннабис в прошлом попал под религиозный запрет: в 1484 году папа Иннокентий VIII издал папский указ, связывающий возможность купить семена конопляные с колдовством (Booth 2003).
