Walkthrough Alpha Protocol: The Espionage. Taipei # 008

Get NSB details from Grand Hotel


You can buy additional Intel for this mission (use the computer in the shelter and select the Clearinghouse). Available options:
- A card with a designated security system. This, of course, is worth the price, as it costs less than $ 1,000.
- An additional goal related to another person present at the hotel. This is also a significant option, especially since it will not be difficult to complete it.
- Previous items left at the hotel at the hotel. Once again, I would suggest buying this, because the investment will pay off with interest.
- The presence of less experienced staff at the hotel. This is an interesting option that should interest you if you intend to support the lives of employees (killing them will worsen your relationship with Mina).


Before you begin, you will talk with other characters to help you complete this mission. In addition to Mina, it will be Hake and Scarlet. As a rule, the dialogue options you choose will not greatly affect the mission. You can simply more or less openly, like Heck, refrain from causing unnecessary victims. If you want to earn reputation points, you should choose a soft style when talking with Scarlet (professional at the end) and aggressive style in the case of Heck.


You start in a hotel room (M17, 1). There is no need to sneak, as there are no guards in the area. Leave the room and head south to reach the elevator (M17, 2). Use the panel and wait for the elevator to go down. Move forward, and you should notice that Heck joined the battle with the local guards. It would be wise to help him. If you want to avoid detection, you must avoid two security cameras in the area. You can turn them off by hacking into a computer terminal in the middle room (screen) (M17, 3).


Inspect the fin area, including the elongated pistol grip (gun upgrade) (M17, 1), oversized pistol grip (gun upgrade) (M17, 2), and the ultra-light barrel (SMG upgrade) (M17 3). In addition, you can get precious Intel in the NSB organization by hacking one of the computers (M17, 1). Then go to the computer terminal marked with the game (M17, 4). Traditionally, you can solve the mini-game or use the EMP.


You can now head to the recently unblocked north passage (M17, 5). Climbing the stairs, go upstairs, chatting along the road from Scarlet. Your goal is to get to the Penthouse level and go through the north door (screen) to meet the journalist (M17, 6). casino Malaysia
