The child is a self-sufficient person

Grandmothers, relatives, and friends constantly give advice on raising a child, sometimes even strangers from the queue in the store do not keep from their comments. It has also become very fashionable to “test” various educational methods on your children. But unfortunately, these tips and methods do not always allow you to achieve the desired result, and the child continues to be capricious, disobey and behave badly. So how can you help your child become a whole person?
First you need to learn to listen and understand your child. If the baby does not want to eat porridge or go on a visit, then you can ask him leading questions to find out the reason for this behavior and suggest other options, rather than forcibly dragging him to visit and stuffing food into him. The main thing is to make it clear to the child that there are several options for the development of events and that he can make decisions, thanks to this he will learn responsibility.
It is also important to learn how to properly and timely feel sorry for your child. It is clear that every mother, of course, loves her child, and she is unbearable to listen to how the baby cries. Mom immediately tries to calm the baby and gives him what he asks, despite the fact that initially he didn’t want to give him, the child, seeing this behavior, quickly realizes that he begins to manipulate his parents through his whims. Consider an example when a child does not want to have breakfast. In this case, you just need to let go of the table, and say that the next time he will eat only at lunch, and most importantly, do not give the child anything to eat until then, otherwise the same story will repeat as at breakfast. In order for this method to work, parents must observe the same rule, otherwise the baby will not understand why cookies are not allowed for him, and mom and dad can.
In order to instill a sense of confidence in a child, parents should erase such expressions as: “you won’t succeed”, “you will fall”; “I will help you now”, “give me a hand”, etc.
Screaming at the child is also not necessary, with the help of the cry you can’t achieve the result, but it is very possible to injure the child’s nervous system. In order to attract the attention of a child, one must go down to the level of his growth and make a remark to him in a strict voice.
Children grow up, and parents will not always be able to be there, sooner or later the baby becomes independent, this is the role of the parents - to teach the child to make independent choices and make decisions, and only then will he become a complete self-sufficient person. $5 minimum deposit casino
