The benefits of legalizing Ukrainian prostitutes

The intimate profession has existed for over 2 thousand years and will exist in the near and distant future. In order to minimize harm and maximize benefits in developed European countries, sex work was taken under control, but in Ukraine this opportunity remains unrealized, and sex workers are prosecuted. However, anyone can easily call prostitutes in Kiev by contacting print media for information or by visiting the intermediary website And the legalization of prostitutes could solve many Ukrainian problems, if we approach the issue correctly.

Advantages of legal sex work

If we take the European model of legalization as a basis, transfer it to Ukrainian realities and highlight the main points, the following advantages become obvious:

1. According to rough estimates, at least a billion hryvnias will be received annually in the country's treasury.

2. The spread of sexually transmitted diseases decline by 41%.

3. Putans will receive social and labor rights, from hospital payments to pension savings.

4. Those who want to remove a prostitute in Kiev and other cities will receive protection from physical and moral damage in the legal field.

5. Girls will be officially protected from attacks by well-wishers, which will reduce the level of sexual crimes by at least a third.

6. The legitimacy of the sex business will halve the level of corruption among senior police officials and government officials.

But, despite the obvious bonuses, Ukrainian society is not yet ready to take steps towards the legality of prostitutes - this is due to the strict upbringing and stereotypical thinking of older generations.
