What are the types of meditation?

Meditation is a wonderful way to make life more harmonious and conscious. Even a short daily practice will bring you tangible benefits. But before starting classes, you should choose the most appropriate technique. To do this, you need to find out what types of meditation there are.Mindfullness Mindfullness is an ideal practice for living in a big city. Its founder is Professor John Kabat-Zinna of the University of Massachusetts. It was he who began using Buddhist meditation techniques for medical purposes. The very word "mindfulness" translates as awareness. By doing this practice, you will learn to keep your attention on the present moment, not to be distracted by thinking about the past, not to go into fantasies about the future.The zen of Zen meditation is the idea that every person initially has a perfect consciousness. It is perfection that allows him to desire nothing and strive for nothing. Zen is practiced in a sitting position with a straight back. Thanks to immobility and contemplation, meditation allows you to achieve the right state of mind.KinkhiN In contrast to stationary practices, kinkhin is an active meditation. It is practiced when walking. During the lesson, the main attention is paid to the breathing cycle and movements. Walking speed may vary, depending on the school. Some mentors suggest taking 10 steps in one breathing cycle, while others only half a step.Yoga-nidraYoga-nidra is one of the most popular meditation techniques. During practice, a person scans his entire body with his inner eye. Due to this, you can achieve the deepest possible relaxation. At the same time, you can not fall asleep, you need to stay on the edge between sleep and wakefulness.During the practice of yoga nidra, the consciousness continues to work and is able to set an intention to the subconscious mind to achieve true desire. This intention is called "sankalpa" by practitioners.The tratakayogic practice of "trataka" involves focusing the gaze at one point. It is believed that eye movement is closely related to mental processes. When the mind is calm, they can remain motionless for a long time. This practice requires a high level of awareness, the ability to concentrate on one point. And since the mind is constantly trying to escape from the present moment, the practitioner has to make considerable efforts to curb it.Mantra Meditation is a meditative technique that allows you to achieve the utmost concentration of attention. In fact, the repetition of mantras replaces the endless stream of thoughts in the head. When you repeat "om", "yam" or other sounds many times, the internal dialogue is simply ignored. Thus, with the help of mantra meditation, you will be able to make profound changes in your own psyche. After just a few weeks of practice, you can become more aware and attentive.Of course, meditating on your own is not the easiest task. It is much more effective to practice under the supervision of a professional teacher. Only an experienced mentor will help you achieve visible results faster, tell you what you need to pay attention to during practice. nuru massage ny
